Sunday, May 10, 2009

2009 YMCA Membership etc.

5/9/2009 - join Y.
Paid $89 for period of 5/9 to 6/15. ($120 registration fee waived due to Safe n Sound registration).

5/9/2009 - Attended TM meeting in the morning. Told a joke about swine flu.

5/9/2009 - Dined at Sushi house.

5/10/2009 - went swimming in Y with B. The first time this year.

5/10/2009 - cleaned up clogged sink drain.

5/12/2009 - swimming in Y with B and K.

5/10/2009 - ordered a t-mobile cell phone for B for $32. The old one (bought in July 2007) broke.

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