Sunday, August 16, 2009

B, M,D Cell phone refill

B phone:
Refill card amount: $25.00 (from the card came with that new phone)

New balance in dollars: $61.53

New balance in minutes: 495 minutes

New expiration date: 8/16/2010

D phone:

Refill card amount: $10.00

New balance in dollars: $44.39

New balance in minutes: 325 minutes

New expiration date: 8/24/2010

Mom phone:

New balance in minutes: 900 minutes

New expiration date: 8/24/2010

Sunday, August 09, 2009


Today is 2009-08-08!
It has been exactly one year since Beijing Olympic! We bought these birds from Petco for $21 each.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Japanese Garden

Visited with Xiaodi couple and John's granparents.