Disconnected batteries on both cars so that the check lights are off.
Check light of Toyota has been on for a week. Tested at Autozone. Code is P0171. "The fuel system for bank 1 was too lean. (bank 1 identifies the location of cylinder #1)"
I have a 2001 corolla. My check engine light came on several months ago. The last time my light was on it was because of the gas cap so I just pulled the fuse and reset the light. It came back on anyway so after a few weeks I took it to the shop and they said it was an error code of P0171. They suspected it was my mass airflow sensor and told be they could try to clean for over $80 or get a new one for about $140. Instead I went home and looked at the sensor myself. It came off easily and had an obvious dirty part of it. There was an amber colored plastic thing that was really dirty so I cleaned it. Unfortunately this didn't fix the check engine light. I drove with it on for a few months and several thousand miles with pretty much no problems. Until recently, the engine started having trouble when I first started it up. I took the sensor out again and looked at it more carefully and realized I had missed some wires inside of the plastic tube like part of the sensor. After putting it back in and resetting my check engine light, the car worked great! This was awesome because it was such an easy thing to do once I realized what I had to clean.
I can almost guarantee you that your PO171 code is because of a bad Mass Air Flow Sensor (MAF). I work at a Toyota dealership and we see this problem alot and 99 times out of 100 it is a bad MAF. Hope this helps.
If you have a phillips screwdriver and follow my directions exactly I can save you about $480.
Remove the two screws that hold the MAF on the intake near the air filter, go to an auto parts store or electronic supply place and get a can of spray electronic cleaner, spray the inside of the air flow sensor, you need to get it into the small opening where the platinum sensor wires are, they get coated with dust and other gunk and confuse the computer because it gets the wrong signals,clean the wires until the look shiny, reinstall it, you may be able to clear the check engine light by disconnecting the battery and waiting 10 seconds, also replace the air filter and you should be good to go.
See also: