Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New Water Heater

$703 to get it installed. The installer charged $200 to fix the old flexable pipe. The total cost is $903.
This unit has lifetime warranty. Which means HD will fix it for free 20 years from now.

GE 40 Gal 12 year. Contract #: 二二6 - 9743212.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Low Blood Count!

RBC: 3.8 (4-5)
Hemoglobin: 8.6 (12-16)
Hematocrit: 29.0 (36-45)

Way too low.

2007-08-24 Update
Hemoglobin: 12.5 (12-16) Basically normal.

2007 YMCA Membership

Starting May 22. Paid $193.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

New lawn mower from Wal Mart

Bought a new lawn mower from Wal Mart for $109. It came out box assembled. This is nice.
I mowered lawn for 5 minutes before I realized that I did not add oil. The sound was strange. It seems to be a nice lawn mower. At lease better than the old one that I always had to spent 5 minutes to start it.