Monday, October 23, 2006

It is Saturday (2006-10-21)

7:00, get up. Read Google news. Bush is meeting his generals to discuss new Iraq strategies. He must have realized that we cannot win. Need to define a new war that can be won.

8:00, phone parents in Chengdu. 30 minutes.

8:30, phone Xiaoyun in Wuhan. 10 minutes.

9:40, drove whole family to 95th street library for B piano recital. Sue’s 20 students (age 6 to 16) showed off their talent. B did well.

11:30, Lunch (cup noodle)

12:00, drove K to Westglen Park for soccer game.

12:30, drove B to Chinese school to attend the first class.

13:00, drove to Westglen Park to pick up K. Her team lost 7 to 0. She is in good spirit. She’s got a good coach. He used to say: just smile and have fun!

13:30, drove to Chinese school to pick up B

13:45, drove home with B and K. I read google news. K ate her leftover cup noodle.

14:00, Left home with B, K, and Liz (Liz’s parents were busy. We will drop and pickup Liz for Chinese school)

14:15, drove B to Gartener Park for her soccer game.

14:30, drove to Chinese school to drop off K and Liz.

15:15, drove to Gartener Park. Watch B’s soccer game and hungry. Lunch was too small. Her team lost 11 to 1. She is in good spirit.

15:30, drove B to Chinese school for the last class. I stay in the car and read some pages of The High-tech Strategist. It looks like Hickey is totally wrong September and October too.

16:30, drove home with the whole family and Liz. (Mom is on Chinese school duty today and stayed in school 12:30 to 4:30). Very hungry. Lunch was way too small

17:30, Diner.

18:00, drove B to Girls Scot annual ‘Night Hike’ event.

20:00, drove to pick up B. It was raining.

21:00, read google news. Goto bed.

D Dental

D dental cleaning.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

B and K Dental

B and K dental visit. Insurance paid doctor $62 each for a 5 minutes teeth cleaning! Another $22 is to be paid by patients for Fluoride treatment!